We need more apps with the functionality that this app promises, but this one just misses the mark. Its too buggy on my iPad Air 2 on iOS 8.
First Problem: when I installed it, it asked permission to access my photos, which I granted. I was able to import video and photos, but theyre arranged in a random, unfathomable order. (Most apps present the most recently added photos or videos at the top of the selection interface, or sometimes at the bottom, but either way, in some predictable, ordered fashion.) Since I have thousands of photos and videos on my iPad, its nearly impossible to find the media Im looking for.
Second: when I took a new video on my iPad to add particles to, the new video just doesnt show up in the apps selection interface screen. The same is true with new still photos. I restarted the iPad, and even uninstalled and reinstalled the app, and still, it cant see any new photos or videos. Quite useless if Im wanting to create something completely new, right?
Third: theres no email address on the developers website to write to ask for help. Typically when I find problems in apps I write to the developer to see if theres a solution coming, rather than dissing the app in a review, but for this app, theres no choice.
So, the app has potential. The particle system seems to be robust, the interface is logical and pretty easy to use (especially if youre the least bit familiar with AfterEffects, Motion, or any other desktop layer-based, keyframable application). But its useless as it is currently implemented, since its impossible to get new media into the app.
If the developer updates the app and corrects these problems, Ill update the review. Until then, though, I cant recommend this app at all.
UPDATE: There hasnt been any change from the developer, but I did install this app on my iPhone 6 Plus. The order in which the videos are presented in the selection tool makes sense on the iPhone, and when you add new videos, the app finds them. But the problems I listed above persist on the iPad. So, I can recommend the app to iPhone users, but not for iPad users.
SFDex about EpicFlare